So lost and broken, how could she do this!!
(Las Vegas)
I have just found out my wife has been cheating on me, after almost 20 years of marriage. There had been signs, but I have chose to believe her, as I had no actual proof and she is the woman I love more than life itself. She left me last year but never actually physically left.
She stayed at the house and we reconciled just a few months later. Then she left me again at the beginning of the year, Jan... and this time she went and stayed at some of our families place. Things have been rocky for a few years now. I can almost tell you, to the date when everything went south.
At the time, I had no idea of the truth, like I said, there were signs but she would anger at the slightest accusation or even questioning her about it. I recall a time when I came to her... A few years ago and told her I was lonely... By this time she had altered her work schedule to work the opposite hours I did and changed her days off from Saturday, Sunday, ( same as mine) to Sunday, Wednesday.... So now I would only see her one and a half days out of the week. When I asked her about it, she just pointed out every single flaw of mine she could come up with... As I said, more signs....
So after leaving me again at the beginning of the year, she went for a good month without talking to me, texting me, calling me or even answering my calls.... It's a sad situation but I have no control. I tried to
talk to her and slowly we started talking again.
A few months went by and we were making love again daily, yes, DAILY and I asked why she wasn't home, living with, after all, we were married and just shy of 20 years together.... With that, she came home about three months ago. We have went to counseling together but had some serious trust issues.
I knew, to my core that there were things she wasn't telling me. She would tell me She loved me, but couldn't look at me, couldn't look me in the eyes... Well we had been making plans to get a new place, but her hours started all of the sudden, being extended at work, plus a few night shifts thrown in there.
All this has a familiar feel. I knew, she was back at it, so I asked her and again, denial, anger and she told me I was destrying our marriage. Well I had enough of the BS, so I took off work one day and ended up seeing her pull into a truck stop, get into a guys rig... I can only imagine there, keep in mind, she's supposed to be at work. Then I saw her go by our airport, a guy got into our car and she gave him a BJ.
She sees the same 3 or 4 guys regularly it appears. I confronted her with what I recorded on my phone.. She left, I haven't seen or spoke to her since. That was a week ago. She won't answer my calls, texts or emails. She won't communicate with me at all and yes, she is still my wife, for now.